Clinical Trials

Professor Michaelides has an unrivalled track record in leading multiple programs of cutting edge retinal research, significantly expanding our knowledge and understanding of retinal diseases, establishing novel measures of retinal structure and function, and developing new treatments.

Professor Michaelides is currently the principal investigator for the below clinical trials undertaken at the UK’s leading eye hospital Moorfields Eye Hospital.

  1. A Phase I/II, Open-Label, Multi-Center, Prospective Study to Determine the Safety and Tolerability of Sub-retinal Transplantation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Retinal Pigmented Epithelial (MA09-hRPE) Cells in Patients With Stargardt Macular Dystrophy. (NCT01345006)
    Trial details
  2. Clinical Trial of Gene Therapy for the Treatment of Leber Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) (OPTIRPE65). (NCT02781480)
    Trial Details
  3. Clinical Trial of Gene Therapy for Achromatopsia (CNGB3). (NCT03001310)
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  4. Clinical Trial of Gene Therapy for Achromatopsia (CNGA3). (NCT03758404)
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  5. Clinical Trial of Gene Therapy for X-linked Retinitis Pigmentosa (RPGR). (NCT03252847)
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  6. A Study to Evaluate Efficacy, Safety, Tolerability and Exposure After a Repeat-dose of Sepofarsen (QR-110) in LCA10 (ILLUMINATE) (ILLUMINATE). (NCT03913143)
    Trial Details
  7. Safety and Efficacy of Emixustat in Stargardt Disease (SeaSTAR). (NCT03772665)
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  8. Zimura Compared to Sham in Patients With Autosomal Recessive Stargardt Disease (STGD1). (NCT03364153)
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  9. Aflibercept for Macular Oedema With Underlying Retinitis Pigmentosa (AMOUR) Study (AMOUR)
    Trial Details

Moorfields Private

9-11 Bath Street, London

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